Sunday, December 30, 2012

Our Visit to an Alpaca Farm

Last Sunday we went to Peaceful Heart Alpacas in Fancy Gap, Virginia. It's an alpaca farm with a yarn store. I just love this photo and had to share it first.

We went into the store first where we met one of the owners. One of the rooms in the store offers the natural fiber and yarn which is produced from the alpacas on the farm.

Another room in the store is full of alpaca yarn from The Alpaca Store and Plymouth Yarn (not from the alpacas on the farm).

I think Ireland was having a good time, she was impatiently waiting to go outside and see the alpacas.

And finally we went outside

Aren't they just precious? Look at the cute brown one...I can't remember all of their names. 

The alpacas are so curious. They didn't care much about being petted and rubbed but they would give kisses. I also learned that alpacas only have bottom top ones...very interesting

The black boy below is Maximus...I do remember his name. He was interested in smelling of Ireland's hair. These are such gentle animals. I think there are between 45 and 50 alpacas on the farm.

I think Ireland enjoyed the goats more...they were her size. I love taking her to new places to experience new things.  

After leaving the farm we decided to drive to Boone to shop and eat. We took the Blue Ridge Parkway part of the way. We love going to the mountains in the winter... the view below is from one of the overlooks. (I really wished I had my camera)

In case you were wondering what I bought:

I've started a scarf for Ireland with the pink. 
and this calendar

If you're ever in the area you'll definitely want to check out this neat place.

Go to the website to learn about Sharla, Linda, Mike, and David. They run the farm, store, and offer several classes throughout the year.

I hope to go back and buy some of the natural fiber produced from their alpacas (I don't know why I didn't buy some)...and maybe take a class.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Jewelry Display...At Last

The jewelry display is pretty much done...

I need to add more eyelet hooks so I can finish adding earrings. This tray is not large enough for all of my jewelry, so I guess I'll have to find another tray and make another display to go with this one. 

I added the hooks to the sides for necklaces...I just need to add a few more (and the necklaces). I was too impatient to do that before this post;)

I'm not sure if I want to add hooks to the bottom. I think I'll just save that for the next display.

Here's how I made this thing

It began like this...

Michael sprayed a coat of primer, then used this paint... two cans

between coats

 I then added the hooks and eyelet hooks found at Lowes. To get the hole started, I used a sharp extra pointy knife, then just used my fingers to screw them in. It will make your fingers so sore, so I had to do a few each day for several days.

I'm soooo glad it's done. I'll think I'll go antique-ing next week to find another tray:)
Hope you all have a great weekend

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

One a Day Progress

Progress has been slow on my One a Day projects. I have crocheted one block on the Patchwork blanket. The chevron scarf has only grown by 19 rows.

I have almost finished the jewelry display, so when I have plenty of daylight I'll take the photos. I'll try to work on that tomorrow. 

I also want to blog about our visit to an alpaca farm. That will have to wait a day or two until I have those photos ready as well.

I'll be back tomorrow with a longer more interesting post about our weekend here:) 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Heather's Sock Monkey Hat

A few weeks ago, Heather from Pass the Cereal made this Sock Monkey Hat. Somehow I missed it. Isn't it the cutest thing? I just had to share it.

Heather did so great with this hat. I think it looks better than the original. I may have to copy hers...hahaha

I love it...these photos are just adorable. I want to make another one now:)

You can find the pattern for this hat here.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tuesday (Saturday) Tallies

I haven't made any progress on my patchwork blanket, but I have added a few rows to my chevron scarf

I've decided to add as many colors as I random as possible. No color rules...just taupe thrown in every two or three color changes. A beautiful scarf from LazyTcrochet inspired my choice of taupe. I'm using my own pattern for this one.

I finished prepping the printer tray. I've been so busy with work and the house stuff so Michael took this project over (even he must be getting tired of waiting for me to make progress on all of these projects)...haha

He primed and used a whole can of spray paint while I worked a few hours last weekend.

It still needs a couple more coats of paint...and I'm out of course. So this project is on hold until I can get more turquoise paint.

I get so frustrated because I can't seem to finish anything. With the house buying and work, I just can't seem to find the time.

This weekend I'm working on the chevron scarf and patchwork, and smashing, and cleaning, and packing...maybe;)

Edit:  As of today (Sunday) I have another can of this project is back on again. Wait...It's raining here, but I am determined to finish today. We'll see;)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tuesday Tallies...Early

I just can't seem to make it home early enough on Tuesdays to take photos of my One a Day project. So I've decided to take my photos on the weekend.

I've completed 5 rows. 10 squares for each row makes 50 squares. Check out Gingerbread Girl to see other One A Day projects.

I've started another project....uuugggh. I'm terrible. I get so bored with doing the same thing

I am chevron crazy right now. I can't get enough of them

This chevron pattern is not the Neat Ripple Pattern used for my ripple blanket. I'll post this pattern when I'm finished

Here is another project I've been working on...I need multiple things to do at one time...I wonder if I have ADD?

I'm sure you've seen these printer trays all over Pinterest, Etsy, and other blogs.

I found this printer tray about 2 weeks ago while antique-ing one afternoon after work. (I like to check out the antique shops for mid-century furniture, Cathrineholm kitchenware, and old cameras).

It needs a lot of work before I paint it turquoise and add the hooks. I'll post about this project later. I really need to get focused and finish something...hehe.

Have a great week!