Sunday, March 1, 2015

Two Hour Project

I haven't left home all weekend. Yesterday, as I watched the UNC game on TV and looked through the IKEA catalog, I came up with a new project.

I saw a few bowls that I would like to have, and thought, 'Hey, I can make one.' So I came up with this

I used jute twine and was finished before the game was over. How's that for instant gratification?

Today I've written up most of the pattern and I'll try to finish it soon. 

I think I'll call it the inside out jute bowl... of course because it's inside out. You can tell if you look close. 

I'll be back with the pattern and better photos. I love it when projects come to me like this... quick and simple.

Have a great rest of the weekend!


  1. Love this bowl! And I love it when ideas come to you and you share with us! Look forward to the pattern! :-)

  2. Awesome idea! The bowl turned out so good and I can see many, MANY bowls like this around my house in different shapes and sizes! lol To much? Naw...

    Looking forward to the pattern. Thanks for sharing.
    Birgitta xx

  3. That looks like a fun project. They would be nice for gifts. I've missed not hearing from you.
    Thanks so much for the project.

  4. Toll, sieht wunderbar aus....
    Ich freue mich auf die Anleitung...
    LG Smilla

  5. Oh! I love your bowl!
    Thank you for sharing!!... I'm looking forward to the pattern!
    ...and good to hear from you!
    (Your pictures are so beautiful, with the teal table, jute textures, and colorful apples! Well done!!)
    Pat T.

  6. I used twine to make a basket but beware, it'll shred your fingers to bits!!Yours is lovely though.

  7. It is lovely and makes a great fruit bowl! xx

  8. That is so clever, love its rustic look, It would look equally great in a beach themed room

  9. Twine, great idea. Great basket. I love fast projects, I get a lot of satisfaction out of them. Great job. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Thanks for sharing! I love the stitch you used ! Looking forward to the pattern!

  11. I would love to have the pattern, thanks in advance!!!!!!

  12. I love making your chunky baskets so I can't wait to work on your bowl. I love it. Another fabulous idea!

  13. Can't wait to work to this basket::: I would like to use jute!

  14. I love quick projects and this basket is fantastic. One more to add to my growing 'want to' list!! Sharon xx

  15. Looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing! :)

  16. This is an amazing basket. Love it.

  17. Can't wait to see the pattern! :)

  18. WOW! Cant wait for the pattern! Brilliant, well done xx

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