Sunday, June 10, 2012

Still Trying to Customize Hat Sizes

Yes, I'm still trying to customize hat sizes. Over the last few months, I've gotten numerous comments and questions about hats sizes. Considering we all crochet with different tensions/ gauges, it's impossible to give definite numbers of stitches. The charts are great but they do not tell us when to stop increasing. This has always been my problem with gifts. If I make something for Ireland, I'll just put it on her head and see how it fits and then adjust from there. But when you have to make a gift, it's tough to guess.

I've decided to get all of Ireland's hats that I've made for her since birth to use for my experiment. I have compared the hats to photos of her wearing them. I've looked at the dates to determine how old she was when wearing. This is how I've measured for sizes.

This is a general chart, but still pretty helpful...Better than nothing. The measurements listed in the chart represent the size of the circle you should have when increasing. When you reach the desired size then stop increasing and just crochet evenly thereafter.

Age                                    Diameter of circle

Newborn                                      4 inches

3-6 months                                   5.5 inches

9-12 months                                 6-6.5 inches

24 months                                    6.5-6.75 inches

Toddler and small child                  7 inches

Adult woman                                7.25-7.5 inches

For instance if you are making a hat for a 12 month old... increase until you have a circle that measures 6-6.5 inches across, then continue to crochet each round evenly with no increases.

The hat in the photo above will be for a child about a year old. So as you can see the circle measures right at 6 inches.

The finished length will also vary according to age

Age                                          Finished Length

Newborn                                       5 inches

3-6 months                                    6-6.5 inches

9-12 months                                  7 inches

24 months                                     7-7.5 inches

Toddler and small child               7.5- 8 inches

Adult woman                                8.5-9 inches

Large adult                                    10 inches

The blue hat above will be for a 12 month old, so I'll need to keep crocheting for a couple more inches.

This green hat is for a teen or adult woman, so I'll stop at about 9 inches.

Edit: If you are making an ear flap hat, then the length will decrease slightly.

Of course these measurements are not exact for each child and adult. I have made hats for large adult women heads that measure more than 10 inches in length. These are general measurements intended to offer a little bit of help, instead of trying to make a hat blindly without a clue:D

I hope this helps.

Have a great week!


  1. i find it difficult to count stitches let alone measuring...thanks for the help!

  2. Really,really helpful - thank you so much - I'm adding it to my favourites bar for easy access. Have a great week.

  3. I find this very helpful, hats are my bugaboo.

  4. What a brilliant post! I have been having the same problem. It's fine when the hats are for your own children, or nearby children!! But for gifts it's hard. So a huge thanks for your experiment - I will jot these notes down right now.


  5. Liz, thanks for sharing your experience! I hope it is ok that I pinned this post to my crochet board and that I have put Crochet in Color on my blog roll.
    Joy to you and yours,
    Gracie <3

  6. Thank you so much, Liz! This will be very helpful in the future.

  7. Good information and so helpful. I have a hard time with fitting hats. Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. How did you know I've been breaking my head over this exact problem lately??!!You have absolutely answered my crochet prayers... thanks so much! Love your blog, keep up the good work,

    xxx Merav

  9. Thanks for the tip! I always just go by trial and error hoping it fits right. Most of the time with some good success!


  10. Thank you, Liz! This information is very very helpful!
    Have a sunny day!
    Olga :)

  11. thank you so much for this! I have made numerous hats and for adults I tried them on! For the younger ones though, I had no idea! I guessed! This will help take the guess work out!

  12. Excellent information. Thanks for sharing!!! I am going to PIN this.

  13. Really helpful. Ive used it twice today already!

  14. I think I love you.
    I would hug you right now if we were face to face. THANK YOU !

  15. I found you on Pinterest and I'm so happy I did! This is an awesome size chart, thanks so much for taking the time to figure it out! I was slightly confused because you used the word 'circumference' but the top picture shows you measuring the diameter, So you may want to change that for Math Nerds like me ;)

    1. Hello, and I'm so happy that you found me. Thanks for the correction. You're right, I was meaning to type diameter...just got ahead of myself. The diameter determines the correct

  16. My circles come out as hexagon while i'm increasing yours look like a real circle, are you doing something different

    1. Hi,

      Don't worry about the hexagon effect. That is normal and how it's supposed to look. Mine is folded under in photo above. I had went further with my rounds. As you crochet it won't even matter.

  17. I have found that if I am sure to turn and go back around the other way at the end of every round it takes the hexagon effect from it. Might help you

    1. I did not turn the other way. The hexagon effect will not hurt anything. It's actually the way it should look...It will look that way from each increase. It is normal. When you start on the rounds that are non-increasing then it will not even matter.

      Hope this helps.

    2. Thank You for sharing this wonderful info, would you by chance have a pattern for the.actual beanie pattern, thank you

  18. Thanks for this!! What size hook do you normally use to make your hats?

    1. i would like to know that too.. lol .. and you are using HDC ? in these demonstrations? i am using a 5.00 mm

  19. thanks for the chart. it definitely help.

  20. Thanks for the charts. Not all patterns increase the same way so it's good to have the base measurements.

  21. As an FYI what size needle and stich are you using as your examples? This is a great chart example it will come in handy, I use my 3 year old son's head as a model for everything Imake for people... ha ha ha

  22. LOVE...I have been looking for something like this FOREVER! Thanks you, thank you, thank you!

  23. I found you through Pinterest. THANK YOU!!! I'm with the rest of the people that commented. I've been looking for something like this for awhile. I have found tons of places that give the circumference...but this is SO much easier! (I'm not a fan of math!)

  24. It's a very helpfull share, in this time I only have a chart of diameter for the head circumference but not for the circle of head crown I always more confident to make a hat from bottom up..hehe..,now I'm ready to make it up to bottom, thx u so much.., btw about the length for earflap hat, how the best way to customized the length in your table to decrease for earflap hat ? In the mean time I'm always use trial and error for the length in earflap hat..thx u before for your attention and share..


  25. not sure it's really working for me. when i made one that should have fit a 12 mo old, it fit my 9 yr old. i will keep trying though.

    1. I'm having the same issue...not sure what I'm doing wrong. Mine is for a 3 year old, measured 7" across the circle/crown but will fit my head!

  26. For my hats, I use a circle starting with 6 stitches. To get rid of the hexagon effect on rows where i am increasing to an even number of stitches i subtract 2 divide in half, do that number of stitches, increase, then do the rest of the stitches for the repeat. on the ohter rows i increase at the beginning. for example:
    row 1 - 6 sc, row 2 - 2 sc in each sc around, row 3 - 2 sc in first sc, sc in next sc around, row 4 - sc, 2sc in next sc, sc around, row 5 - 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 3 st around, row 6 - sc in next 2 st, 2 sc in next st, sc in next 2 stitches around, row 7 - 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 5 st around. And so on, gives nice round circle.

  27. Thank you so much for doing this. I am making football beanies for my nephews for christmas but they live a state away so I could not use them to measure. I am doing double crochet so I noticed my work coming out to fit me, so I will just adjust by an inch and it should fit the 5 year old :)

  28. I am making a beanie not for a small child but not an adult for like a 10 year old... So how big would that be?

  29. Hey Liz, I can't tell you how many times I've come back to this. Really appreciate you're sharing with the masses. I'm finding that your numbers are holding up pretty well. What others may want to keep in mind are the bulk of the yarn their using and hook size. I typically use a 4 weight and H hook for my base caps. I also use your basic cap from your Hello Kitty pattern. I've made several other caps using that as a base. Since you use inches for measuring diameter, instead of stitch gauging, it really does seem to work fairly consistently. I've had to adjust for a yarn, once, that was simply too soft and my diameter was getting way up in increase numbers before I could hit the proper diameter (solving this problem by doubling the stands of yarn and going up to an I hook). I also think the half double really does make the best stitch as a base cap for the character caps such as Hello Kitty. I'm working on Brombee from Yo Gabba Gabba now. I tried a double and it just doesn't give a tight enough cap to hold up to appliqueing, etc. I'd love to hear from others how they've applied your techniques and to what success. Thank you again. Following with great interest - Diane from Dallas

  30. Thank you so so so much for this!! I really needed this and it has helped me so much!! You're a life saver. :)

  31. Liz, Thank you so much for your blog. It is going to help me a lot. God bless.

  32. Great idea :) I find some of the measurements are slightly too big though, I usually do 7" length for an adult!!

  33. Thanks this is great information! I know I always feel like I'm guessing too and end up using my head, my 9 yr olds head or my 5 month olds head as gauges. Not very accurate or consistant! haha

  34. I love this, I am making it into a chart on the wall of my craft room. Thank you

  35. I have tried to make adult hats with my pattern, but how do I increase and make the circle bigger without it folding on itself? Is there a trick or do I just try and try again until I get it?

  36. Thanks so much for posting this. I knit and crochet very tightly so my gauge never matches the patterns and I have started to do something similar to this. So glad to see I am not the only one and that your measurements match mine, so I feel much better in my guess work. This is great info! I found it via Pinterest and repinned it myself because it's so helpful. Hope you don't mind.

  37. So happy to have found this sizing chart...I'm in the process of making a hat with a bill and a cloche hat. Based on your experience, would you shorten the hats? By how much? Thanks :)

  38. Hello thanx for the blog
    But the size on what size hook?
    It's 4 or 6 or what ?

  39. In the process of making a hat for someone whose head should be the size of an adult woman, but 8 inches is huge. I am an adult woman and it's not even close to the size of my head. I'm making a larger version of your Hello Kitty hat. I think maybe around 7 inches would be better. Not complaining, just thought I'd let you know. :)

  40. So glad I found your site!! JUST what I needed. Thank you:)

  41. Hola, soy nueva en esto, pero me ha sido de gran ayuda tu información.
    Saludos desde México.
    Thank you!

  42. Great tutorial, that's pretty much how I measure my hats. There is a Circumference/Diameter/Area calculator I use here:
    Thanks for the blog!

  43. Wow realy good information.! thanks for sharing wihth us.
    crochet baby hats

  44. I love this. however, what if I wanted to make a hat for a 7-8 month old?

  45. Just found this post - thank you - this is very useful info! :)

  46. Awesome chart! Thanks for taking the time to do this - VERY helpful!

  47. I like that you have done this. I took the time to attempt to follow your diameter one, and realized, that the hat may end up being too big at your current measurements. There are conversion calculators online for figuring out diameter to circumference. Hats do stretch over the head, so you may not want them loose to begin with. Thank you for the chart to go by as a guideline.

  48. Still Trying to Customize Hat Sizes , excellent post , thanks for it , I was finding it , thanks
    Women Winter Hats

  49. I've never crocheted a hat in my life and now have so many patterns I'd like to make! This is going to help me so much! My sister's head is 24"s and the pattern is for 20" to 22"....and It's a brimmed hat! Yikes! I sure hope I can do it. She's done so much for me lately. Have a Merry Christmas and if you have any suggestions for a self taught crocheter's first hat....I'd gladly accept them. :-) Katina or

  50. Thank you so much, this is really a very big help for me!!!!

  51. 6 6.5 inches is huge for a 9 -12 month old head. I make my hats smaller, so not totally understanding this. My adult sizes are 6 inches across. Is there something I am doing wrong?

    1. Tabitha, I was glad to se your post because I have the same situation. I always make the circle smaller because they would turn out entirely too big if I used the sizes of circles they give. my measurements are about equal with yours. I don't know what i'm doing wrong either.

    2. Hi Ladies, I ran into the same problem. I was doing a beanie for my husband and was going with 7.5. Oh My! it was way to big. I had to go down to 6 for it to fit him. He measures 23" and wears a 7.5 hat size. I wish I could figure out how to do a beanie without having to frog back 12-15 rows.

  52. very helpful, thank you so much!!

  53. So I think we should keep doing what we are doing. I have made a many hats now and not a single person said it doesn't fit. They might want it longer since all head vary but never nothing else.

  54. I've just mentioned this post and your blog on mine, hope thats ok!
    You can find the link here

  55. I already wrote a comment but I just wanted to tell you again that your post is wonderful. Up until I found it, I kept making hats that are too small and I kept trying to guess the size. Now that I know (thanks to you) how to properly size a hat, it is very easy to make hats! Thank you again! I mentioned your post and blog on my blog. Here is a link:

  56. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. I'm thinking that the reason that some people are having problems with the measurements is this. In the first two pictures, you measure the diameter, and in the instructions, you mention diameter. However, in the second two pictures, you are measuring the radius (half of the circle). If they are folding their hats that way and then measuring, they will end up with hats twice the intended size. :)

  58. Very helpful information. I am so happy you posted this chart. Thank you.

  59. Thank you so much! This is fantastic:) if I am adding an ear flap for 9 month old at what length (or hat height) should I start? Thanks!

  60. Thank you so much for simplifying this. I've been looking for something with pictures too cause I like yourself have the same issue when making gifts. I have this saved now!

  61. Thank you so much for simplifying this. I've been looking for something with pictures too cause I like yourself have the same issue when making gifts. I have this saved now!

  62. Awesome post, thanks for sharing ! ♡

  63. Thanks a lot that I found and read your blog. Was very helpful especially that I tweaked my stitch from double crochet to in between sc and DC so I was lost S to how many lines for adults crown. Again thank a lot

  64. so my question is what about the hats that you make in columns and then fasten at the side and tie up the top...I'm sure there is a name for these but i don't know what it is....I am assuming that i should make it as wide as the head is around and then when stitched up this would be correct...I have made this hat three times....i hope this is right. Thanks so much for this post i am determined to conquer hats...

  65. Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing the crochet patterns.All the best to you.

  66. Thank you so much this is really helpful 😀

  67. What if the hat is already completed? How would I figure out the hat measurements?

  68. Thanks so much for this chart! I'm amazed that you just up and invent all kinds of patterns. I've seldom departed from printed instructions (except for afghans), but I've decided to see what I can do with hats. I'm not messing with the kitty hat, though. I adore cats and have several granddaughters (and greats) who will love that hat.

  69. I took a picture of your chart to always have handy on my phone! Thanks!!

  70. This General hat sizes Chart can help you to determine your hat size.

  71. OMG This is exactly what I've been looking for, have been making hats for some local charities and need to do a variety of sizes this is so helpful!!!

  72. Thank you for this information! I make hats in the fall and winter. I'm always having to guesstimate the size. This is very helpful.q

  73. Thank you for the size guide!
    I live in Australia and have great difficulty equating your wools and hook sizes. We tend to use the British sizing and wool thicknesses. Is there any way to equate with the American ones? The inches and centimetres for measuring are not a problem but wool thickness is. Bulky for us is 12 or 14 ply and 8ply is often called double knit. Our trebles are also your double crochet I have discovered. Can others help? cheers Paula
